Kód írása
ahogy kellene 

Webalkalmazásokat és weboldalakat készítünk kicsitől a nagyig Laravel és WordPress segítségével.


Welcome at Cone, where clean code meets resilience. We are a small, two person web development studio dedicated to crafting sustainable code for the web. We are developers and designers, we bring your ideas to life. We make and contribute to open-source.

Mit csinálunk

A running coffee cup with a laptop in its hand.

Application Development

With Laravel, we create robust and scalable web applications that seamlessly integrate powerful features, intuitive user interfaces, and secure backend functionality.

A peanutbutter sandwich eating jelly from a jar.

Website Development

We create visually stunning and highly functional websites built on WordPress or Eleventy.

A party bar of chocolate with sunglasses.

UI Design

We not just write code but design interfaces too. Our goal is to make functional and straightforward UI. Also, we can help you with many other web-related things.


Ismerj meg minket

Elhivatott fejlesztők vagyunk, akik szeretik mindig a legjobbat nyújtani és fejlődni.